Monday, March 15, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


i have FINALLY figured out what to wear to Brian's party!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


today was rather grand.
i had a rather fun time refusing to get up until around 1pm.
then i spent the day cleaning, tidying and vacuuming my room, which is always a total mess.
methinks that this cleanliness WILL NOT last at all cos well its me, and i am really not a tidy person.

B-b-b-but the upside of this was that i found a whole lot of stuff that i forgot i owned and i found a new way to rearrange the endless pairs of canvas shoes that i own.
i cant get enough of them!
next i want low black chucks with black laces of checkered?

tomorrow i have morning training which i am trying not to think about.. ugh i really don't want to get to school at 6:45am. Hopefully Ali will be there :)
im really loving this free music!
i found it on akb's blog which i LOVE
especially the dishwasher theory that she reposted, i am so gonna invest in 2 dishwashers because i hate dishes worse than tidying my room!

Friday, March 5, 2010

welcome back

today is the day that i remember i actually have a blog.

yesterday was the best day of my life.
i saw paramore LIVE and was up against the barrier the entire concert, so close to the speakers that i could feel the wind reverb. still have no voice.
words don't really do the experience justice

this is a rather exciting weekend i think.
a toast-party is in order to celebrate this monumental event in thehistoryofgoose.

ill try and remember to blog tomorrow