
Monday, March 15, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


i have FINALLY figured out what to wear to Brian's party!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


today was rather grand.
i had a rather fun time refusing to get up until around 1pm.
then i spent the day cleaning, tidying and vacuuming my room, which is always a total mess.
methinks that this cleanliness WILL NOT last at all cos well its me, and i am really not a tidy person.

B-b-b-but the upside of this was that i found a whole lot of stuff that i forgot i owned and i found a new way to rearrange the endless pairs of canvas shoes that i own.
i cant get enough of them!
next i want low black chucks with black laces of checkered?

tomorrow i have morning training which i am trying not to think about.. ugh i really don't want to get to school at 6:45am. Hopefully Ali will be there :)
im really loving this free music!
i found it on akb's blog which i LOVE
especially the dishwasher theory that she reposted, i am so gonna invest in 2 dishwashers because i hate dishes worse than tidying my room!

Friday, March 5, 2010

welcome back

today is the day that i remember i actually have a blog.

yesterday was the best day of my life.
i saw paramore LIVE and was up against the barrier the entire concert, so close to the speakers that i could feel the wind reverb. still have no voice.
words don't really do the experience justice

this is a rather exciting weekend i think.
a toast-party is in order to celebrate this monumental event in thehistoryofgoose.

ill try and remember to blog tomorrow

Monday, November 30, 2009

i am a geek

exams are finished! which is really old news cos that happened a while ago.
I'm just a slacker that hasn't updated my blog in a while.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

today i am sixteen

thats rather special
mum measured my height and i am now 5'10

life is good
me and mum went out for hot chocolate and i got some track-pants
now im blogging which is fun

last night i was home by myself so i took the opportunity to play disney singstar on the big tv with surround sound
it really was everthing i had hoped and dreamed for.
i discovered that if you have the voice volume up really loud and you suck at singing (like me) your own voice puts you off and you seem to not hit the notes
i managed to get my singstar score on 'a whole new world' which was celebrated by a glass of milk and wooping

then i realised i really should be studying so..
i went and jumped on the trampoline
and practiced piano
and danced to wicked songs on the coffee table
and made hamburgers
and played star wars: jedi academy on the computer

procrastination is a skill of mine.
it just seems that when i have to study
everything else seems so much more interesting in comparison

what a silly goose
(favourite pun for obvious reasons)

Friday, November 6, 2009